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Open-plan office

The best for everyone: Open-plan offices


Where lots of people work together in a single room, they are generally doing different tasks. Vision and reading quality must therefore satisfy a whole range of requirements: For example, the lighting must provide excellent support for some whilst it must not dazzle others. And of course, everyone should have an optimal fresh air supply throughout the day. The individually controllable lighting and indoor air ventilation solutions from ESYLUX take everything and everyone into account. This also applies to rooms with large dimensions to ensure high efficiency and comfort down to the last detail.


Flexible lighting and optimum ventilation

ESYLUX has developed the ESYLUX Light Control (ELC), an easy-to-install plug-and-play solution for open-plan offices that thoroughly improves the room atmosphere with recessed lights from the CELINE-2 series and the SMARTDRIVER-2 control unit. The ELC solution not only supports healthy, stimulating human centric lighting with daylight-dependent, adaptive HCL light control, but also delivers semi-automatic presence-dependent control of the lights. This reduces demand-dependent energy consumption to a minimum. In addition, buttons allow manual override at any time and can be used to launch bespoke scenes. Night-time safety is also taken into account, as the ELC solution provides a reliable orientation light.

Open-plan office


  • Fast and simple to install via plug-and-play
  • Factory settings for immediate commissioning with no need for programming
  • Simple access to bespoke scenes at the push of a button
  • Well-being and optimal light using energy-efficient human centric lighting (HCL)

Planning example

Room size
60 m²



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  2. Click on the watchlist symbol in the menu bar (next to the search function).
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  4. Send us your order request.

Applied products


light quality

Benefit from the advantages of the best light quality: on any working day, in any workplace, for any visual task.



Take advantage of the potential for lower investments, shorter payback times and permanently reduced operating costs.


in the office

Benefit from the savings potential of a demand-driven automation system of light and ventilation in the office.
